ODNR's new Smokey Bear video
reminds us "Only you can prevent wildfires!"
Photo courtesy of the National Park Service |
COLUMBUS, OH - Nine out of 10 wildfires are
caused by people, which is why
Ohioans should take the
necessary precautions if they plan to burn debris,
according to the Ohio Department
of Natural Resources, ODNR. Ohio law states
outdoor debris burning is prohibited from 6 a.m.-6 p.m. during
October and November.
New this year, ODNR partnered
with the U.S. Forest
Service and Columbus College of Art
and Design to produce a new Smokey Bear music video and
education kit reminding Ohioans of all ages how they
can prevent fires. View the entertaining educational video at
“Please be safe and responsible
when conducting outdoor burns this season,” said ODNR Deputy Director and State
Forester Robert Boyles. “We are fortunate in Ohio that we haven’t experienced
fires like those our wildfire crews helped fight in the Western states, but
life, property and natural resources are always at risk when people are
careless with their fires.”
Outdoor debris burning is limited
in the fall due to the abundance of dry fuel on the ground from dried grasses,
weeds and leaves. Winds can make a seemingly safe fire quite hazardous. Violators
of Ohio’s burning regulations are subject to citations and fines. Residents
should also check Ohio Environmental Protection Agency regulations and consult
with local fire department officials about burning conditions and safety
If a fire does escape control,
immediately contact the local fire department. An escaped wildfire, even one
burning in grass or weeds, is dangerous.
The ODNR Division of Forestry
offers these safety tips for burning debris outdoors:
- Consider using a 55-gallon drum with
a weighted screen lid to provide an enclosed incinerator.
- Know current and future weather
conditions, and do not leave debris burning unattended.
- Keep suppression tools such as a
charged water hose, shovel and a rake close by while burning debris.
- Be informed about state and local
burning regulations. Homeowners living within incorporated limits should check
with their fire department for local ordinances. Most incorporated areas do not
allow open debris burning due to the close proximity of homes and businesses.
Visit forestry.ohiodnr.gov and firewise.org for more information and tips on protecting a home and community.
Remember, Smokey Bear
says, “Only you can prevent wildfires!”