ATHENS – Community members will have an
opportunity to get the facts on single-payer health care at a
public forum Wednesday, Sept. 11 from 7 :15-9 :30 p.m. at the
Athens Community Center, 701 E. State St.
The forum is being hosted by the Single Payer Action
Network, Ohio (SPAN), a statewide
coalition of organizations and individuals working to enact fundamental
health care reform that guarantees full
and comprehensive access to a full range of medical services.
The forum will include an
informational presentation, a panel discussion led by SPAN, Ohio Director
Debbie Silverstein, followed by a question and answer period.
Silverstein stressed the need to create a health care system
that treats
patients with dignity.
“We need to transform our health care
system so that patients
are seen first as human beings in need of care,
not just as a revenue source ,” Silverstein said.
For information about the forum contact Southeastern Ohio Coordinator
Arlene Sheak, (740) 707-4924 or email arlenesheak@columbus.rr.com. Information about SPAN, Ohio can be
found at group ’s website www.spanohio.org.
Photo courtesy of U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services
Twitter @cleverpeasant
The forum is being hosted by the Single Payer Action Network, Ohio (SPAN), a statewide coalition of organizations and individuals working to enact fundamental health care reform that guarantees full and comprehensive access to a full range of medical services. cancer treatment